Common Peroneal Nerve Release at the Fibular Head

Entrapment of the common peroneal nerve (CPN) at the fibular head is an under-recognized lower extremity neuropathy that contributes to weakness of the musculature within the anterior and lateral compartments of the leg and progress to foot drop. As well, there can be numbness/pain within the territory of the superficial and deep peroneal nerve. Compression […]

Superficial Peroneal Nerve Release in the Lower Leg

Compression of the superficial peroneal nerve (SPN) is due to the superficial fascial layer that encapsulates the SPN and its distal entrapment point called the transverse crural ligament. These structures are typically the cause for numbness and pain in the territory of the SPN. Release of the SPN involves the longitudinal release of the superficial […]

Ganglion Cyst Removal in the Common Peroneal Nerve at the Fibular Head

There are various causes of common peroneal nerve palsy, however common peroneal nerve palsy caused by a ganglion cyst is uncommon. A benign tumor within the nerve sheath can cause compression and present with symptoms of neuropathy depending on the level of injury. In this specific case, the patient presented with a ganglion cyst in […]

Superficial Peroneal Nerve Release in the Lower Leg

Symptoms of a compressed superficial peroneal nerve in the lower leg includes numbness and tingling in the dorsal aspect of the foot and lateral aspect of the lower leg. These symptoms can be exaggerated when the peroneal nerve is under tension during movements of the leg and foot. Compression of the superficial peroneal nerve occurs […]

Common Peroneal Nerve Release at the Fibular Head

Compression of the common peroneal nerve at the fibular head is under recognized. Symptoms range from numbness and tingling in the posterior and lateral aspect of the lower leg and dorsal aspect of the foot to foot drop in severe cases of denervation. Symptoms can be exaggerated when the peroneal nerve is under tension during […]