There are various causes of common peroneal nerve palsy, however common peroneal nerve palsy caused by a ganglion cyst is uncommon. A benign tumor within the nerve sheath can cause compression and present with symptoms of neuropathy depending on the level of injury. In this specific case, the patient presented with a ganglion cyst in the common peroneal nerve at the fibular head. Typically, a ganglion cyst presents with a sudden onset of severe pain that is associated with a motor palsy. Magnetic resonance imaging revealed a cystic-appearing mass anterior to the fibular head, which was confirmed with a palpable mass. This resulted in compression neuropathy of the peroneal nerve. The surgical intervention included removal of the ganglion cyst and the decompression of the common peroneal nerve at the fibular head.
An oblique incision inferior to the fibular head and orientated from posterior-proximal to anterior-distal following the course of the common peroneal nerve.
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