For paralysis of ulnar-innervated flexor digitorum profundus (FDP) to the ring and small finger, tenodesis of the ulnar-innervated FDP tendons will allow the median-innervated FDP to drive the function of the ulnar-innervated FDP function. Specifically, the ulnar-innervated FDP tendons are sutured to the FDP tendon to the long finger, while the FDP tendon to the index finger is not included in this tenodesis. In this specific case, the patient had a complete ulnar nerve injury and the FDP tenodesis was performed in conjunction with the anterior interosseous to ulnar motor nerve transfer, 3rd webspace to ulnar sensory nerve transfer, and Guyon’s canal release.


An incision along the forearm.
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Disclosure: No authors have a financial interest in any of the products, devices, or drugs mentioned in this production or publication.